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FIEP Portuguese Presidency
FIEP New Technologies and Logistics Commission Meeting
Amman, Kingdom of Jordan

The FIEP New Technologies and Logistics Commission Meeting took place in Amman – Kingdom of Jordan, from the 12th to the 15th of March 2012.

The delegations were received and welcomed by the General Director of the Jordan Gendarmerie, Major General Tawfeeq Altawalbeh, at the General Directorate´s Headquarters, placed in Amman.

The meeting was officially opened by Major General Tawfeeq Altawalbeh and carried on under the FIEP Portuguese Presidency, represented by Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Alves, from the Guarda Nacional Republicana.

After congratulating the Jordan Gendarmerie for the excellent organization of the meeting and for the amazing hospitality and support given to all the FIEP participants, Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Alves presented both the general framework and the importance of the theme – “Is the Gendarmerie Forces training in the field of the New Technologies following the trends?” – as well as the great added value of the presentations performed by the participating delegations, each one of them specifying each Country´s particular view.

The presentations given were, respectively, as follows:

  • France: presentation given by Lieutenant Colonel Frédéric Mollard and by Major Fabrice Gaeng, from the French Gendarmerie on the internal process towards the New Technologies trends, focusing the main question on how the Forces train;
  • Italy: presentation given by Major Paolo Abrate, from the Arma dei Carabinieri, on the specific role of the Carabinieri as military police force in case a cyber accident occurs, mentioning the strategy to face cyber attacks within the defense system;
  • Spain: intervention by Major Pedro Herrera Gómez, from the Guardia Civil, on that Force´s training within the field of the New Technologies, focusing mainly on two levels – the user and the technical;
  • Jordan: presentation by Colonel Mazen Naffa, from the Jordanian Gendarmerie, who gave an approach on the New Technologies used in that Force, enhancing the importance of the information technologies and communication sector in sustainable development through command and control centre, as well as the training as the cornerstone of the qualifying criteria to enable the achievement of high standards – importance of investing in the technology education;
  • Portugal: presentation by Lieutenant Sara Quinta, from the Guarda Nacional Republicana, on the training policy and courses given in the field of the New Technologies, thus explaining the internal process within the new trends and presenting some ideas on a possible model to be adopted by the Gendarmerie Forces;
  • Türkiye: presentation by Major Kamil Akel, from the Turkish Jandarma, on how that Force follows the trends within the framework of the New Technologies, specifically explaining the acquisition flow chart and giving some practical examples concerning the integrated communication and information system. Also the training policy and courses in the field of the New Technologies were mentioned and the role of the seller besides the training aiming the user level;
  • The Netherlands: presentation by Lieutenant Colonel Eric Geerligs, from the Koninklijke Marechaussee, giving a practical example of innovation in the field of the New Technologies (at the borders), at Schiphol Airport and the use of the self service passport control gates (the e-gates). It was also explained the important role of the Change Management within the need to adapt to new and demanding challenges;
  •  Morocco: intervention by Colonel Hamid Reda, from the Moroccan Royal Gendarmerie, on the training given within the framework of the New Technologies and on the main areas to be developed in the future, considering it as a priority to be continuous and permanently updated;
  • Romania: presentation by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Matei, from the Jandarmeria Română, on the implementation of the e-learning system in the continuous training of the employees, aiming the increasing of the effectiveness and efficiency. Also the main features of the e-learning were identified as well as its main components, areas of specialization and advantages;
  • Argentina: intervention by Colonel Ricardo Bonella, from the Argentina National Gendarmerie, on the Argentinean training policy, its security policy and implemented technology – including the courses, self training, operational education and courses abroad, with an overview on the University Institute of National Gendarmerie, which is integrated in the National Education System of Argentina. The main security challenges were also presented;
  • Chile: the Chilean Representative, Lieutenant Colonel Alvaro Galindo, from Carabineros de Chile, informally presented the training provided in the Institution in the field of the New Technologies.

The meeting carried on with Italy´s presentation of the project “European Union Police Services Training 2012-2014” and was closed with a presentation by Lieutenant Colonel Hussein Alziod, on the Jordan Gendarmerie´s organization, main missions, values, training and participation in missions abroad.
The results achieved were truly a success and have strengthened the knowledge shared by the FIEP Forces.